Forum for
Operational Oceanography

Australian Forum for Operational Oceanography

Operational Oceanography

Operational oceanography is like weather monitoring and forecasting for the ocean. It can provide estimates of essential ocean variables (e.g. sea level, temperature and currents) for the present and the future, as well as for the past.

Operational oceanography depends on ocean observations and super-computer facilities, and uses computer models and mathematical techniques. It is designed to deliver stakeholder defined outputs and products on a routine basis, using robust and fully supported production and dissemination techniques.

The Forum for Operational Oceanography is a forum for:

  • discussions relating to operational oceanography, including requirements of stakeholders, industry and interested parties, and for
  • scientific and technical discussions of common interest to practitioners working in relevant areas or drawing on products from operational oceanography service providers.

The Forum encourages communication and discussion between marine industries, service providers, government agencies from all jurisdictions, and research institutions. These are the ‘pillars’ of the Forum.