Surface Waves

FOO 2019


The third Forum for Operational Oceanography was held on the 15-16 October 2019, at the Pullman Albert Park Melbourne.

The program had two major themes, with the following topic areas:

Opportunities for operational oceanography to drive the development of Australian marine industries

  • Next generation ocean remote sensing
  • In situ ocean observing, especially near real time
  • Ocean modelling and forecasting
  • Big ocean data
  • Marine renewable energy

Risks to Australian marine industries and the role of operational oceanography in helping to manage them

  • Climate risks
  • Operational uncertainties (e.g. swell, wind waves, internal waves, surface currents)

Theme 2 – Opportunities for operational oceanography
to drive the development of Australian marine industries

Theme 3 – Risks to Australian marine industries and the
role of operational oceanography in helping to manage them

Resources from Talks

Theme 1: The Australian Forum for Operational Oceanography

Surface Waves Working Group

Information on the FOO Surface Waves Working Group and membership:

Paper: Greenslade et al 15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective:

Surface Currents Working Group

Information on the FOO Surface Currents Working Group and membership:

Theme 2: Opportunities for operational oceanography to drive the development of Australian marine industries

John Siddorn – The UK ocean prediction community

National Partnership for Ocean Prediction:

Tim Duff – NERA’s oceanography products

National Energy Resources Australia (NERA) Website:

Qingxiang Liu – The Wave Climate of the Southern Ocean

Bababin et al Waves and Swells in High Wind and Extreme Fetches, Measurements in the Southern Ocean:

Shane Keating – The Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission: Opportunities and challenges

AuSWOT website:

MANTAS (MApping oceaN Topography at Submesoscales) Consultation Paper information (open for consultation):

Madeleine Cahill – IMOS OceanCurrent: New opportunities in satellite SST

IMOS OceanCurrent website:

Anna Riddell – Precise positioning for the maritime sector

Positioning Australia website:

Irene Penesis – University of Tasmania

Blue Economy CRC website:

The Australian Tidal Energy (AUSTEn) project –

Theme 3: Risks to Australian marine industries and the role of operational oceanography in helping to manage them

Jim Stear – Chevron/ International Association of Oil and Gas Producers

IOGP – Our Future Climate –

Joanne Haynes – Department of Defence; and the Bluelink Team

Bluelink –

Joao Marcos Azevedo Correia de Souza – MetOcean Solutions (NZ)

O’Callaghan et al Developing an Integrated Ocean Observing System for New Zealand

New Zealand Ocean Data Network –

David Karoly – NESP Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub

IPCC Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere –